unsubscribe from group
(too old to reply)
2017-05-08 08:25:39 UTC
I am long retired and I comfess my interest in Paxcal peaked with borlandPas 7!!

SO please unsubsubscribe me all the post just increase the feeling that I am a dinosaur!

Best wishes, Jim

Jim Barr

Barrs law of recurcive futility:-

If you're smart enough to use one of these.....

.....you can probably manage without one
Gene Buckle
2017-05-08 21:41:27 UTC
To: Jim
From Newsgroup: comp.lang.pascal.borland
I am long retired and I comfess my interest in Paxcal peaked with borlandPas 7!!
SO please unsubsubscribe me all the post just increase the feeling that I am a dinosaur!
This is a Usenet newsgroup. You just quit reading it.

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