Does anyone know where I can find a list of TP3 runtime errors, manual is
currently nowhere to find.
Appendix F.
Fatal errors at run-time result in a program halt and the display of the
Run-time error NN, PC=addr
Program aborted
where NN is the run-time error number, and addr is the address in the
program code where the error occurred. the following contains explanations
of all the run-time error numbers. Notice that the numbers are hexadecimal!
01 Floating point overflow.
02 Division by zero attempted
03 Sqrt argument error.
The argument passed to the Sqrt function was negative.
04 Ln argument error.
The argument passed to the Ln function was zero or negative.
10 String length error.
1) A string concatenation resulted in a string of more than 255
2) Only strings of length 1 can be converted to character.
11 Invalid string index.
Index expression is not within 1..255 with Copy, Delete or Insert
procedure calls.
90 Index out of range.
The index expression of an array subscript was out of range.
91 Scalar or subrange out of range.
1) The value assigned to a scalar or a subrange variable was out of
2) Attempt to Dispose(p) where 'p' is nil.
92 Out of range integer.
The real value passed to Trunc or Round was not within the integer
range of -32768 .. 32767
F0 Overlay file not found.
FF Heap/stack collision.
A call was made to the standard procedure New or to a recursive
subprogram, and there is insufficient free memory between the heap
pointer (HeapPtr) and the recursion stack pointer (RecurPtr).
Good luck!
- Bill