Post by Sv. BroholmPost by Robert AH PrinsPost by Sv. BroholmPost by Peter DassowSo I am looking for a tool, which reduces the source code size,
eliminating blanks, empty lines, but may be shorten also long variable
names for example. Any hint welcome.
You are requesting the program PCRYPT.PAS from TurboPower's Turbo
Extender utility kit to TP3.0, which eliminates all remarks, blanks
anywhere in the source, so it is more compact, but stll
See you mailbox.
My mailbox is empty ;)
FWIW, does utility kit also contain the tool that allowed you to
"smartlink" TP3 programs?
Please explain "smartlink".
TurboPower used to have a tool that would strip all unused procedures
from the TP3 RTL, in many cases greatly reducing the size of the final
executable - I was told about this a decade ago. The guy who had the
package told me that he would try to find the disk, but we lost track of
each other before he did and that was it... :(
Post by Sv. BroholmThere are tools to circumvene the 64 kB barrier for codespace (The
program is converted to an .EXE) and source for handling large arrays
(>64 kB). The free TP5.5 compiler with smart unit-linking, overlays
and start of OOP-programming is much more useful.
" much more useful."
Make that was, since about a year I've gone over to Virtual Pascal
full-time, had used it in the past for smaller stuff, but now I use it
for everything, until such a time that PL/I becomes available on the PC.
Post by Sv. BroholmAbrakadabra - have a look in your mailbox!
Robert AH Prins
robert dot ah dot prins on gmail